6-week online course

Find your path and come home to your true self

This is a course for you who want to end the year gently but powerfully. It's for you who want to begin 2023 feeling nourished and filled with new inspiration and clarity.

This is for you, woman, who know you are here to live your life to the fullest. You are curious about and want to walk your own path, and you long to find alignment in your life. This is for you who are ready to become your most authentic self.

This 6-week course will help you remember who you truly are and why you’re here. You will walk away the clarity you need to take the next steps towards living a life in alignment and you’ll have the tools to feel more at home within yourself on your journey.

Start Monday 28th November 6 pm EET

This is for you who...

This is NOT for you who...

The course includes:

Testimonials from previous clients

How does it work?

The course includes 6 modules where we every week work with different themes – everything for you to come closer to your true self

We meet online via Zoom every Monday at 6 pm Helsinki time (except the week after Christmas, then we meet on Wednesday).

All sessions are recorded, so no worries if you can't show up live every week.

In between our calls you get home works to help you deepen your journey, and you are also invited to connect with the other women in the course in our private Facebook group.

The course will be held in English. But you are welcome to communicate in Swedish if that suits you better.

Module 1 - 28 November

Your present moment & the power of gratitude

We open our space together with an opening ceremony, what is your intention for this new beginning? During our first call you’ll take stock on your entire life. Where are you today? What is working, and what is not? You’ll have a clear picture of where you stand today and how everything is connected. You’ll also learn to tap into the power of gratitude, as the high frequency of being grateful for what you already have is the key when you want to create something new for yourself.

Module 2 - 5 December

Connecting with your vision & future Self

The second week is all about connecting with your future. What are your dreams? What are your heart’s deepest desires? You will be empowered into dreaming big, without worrying about the how’s and what if’s. You will learn about the energetic field where everything is possible and already available for you.

Module 3 - 12 December

Shadows & limiting beliefs

Now you know where you are today and where you want to be going. During our third call you’ll look into what is standing in your way. What is stopping you from being your true self? What are the limiting beliefs you’ve taken with you from your life so far? The work we do in module 3 is like a big cleaning session, we need to look at the shit we are carrying in order for us to let go and build something new.

Module 4 - 19 December

Connecting with your dharma & taking aligned action

During week four you’ll learn about dharma; your soul’s purpose. Why are you here? What gifts are you here to share? Through different practices you’ll get leads about your why and what truly lights you up. We will also talk about taking aligned action and feeling into what your next step(s) are. Trusting and letting go are also big topics in this module.

Module 5 - 28 December

Your inner feminine & masculine energies

Module 5 is all about understanding and connecting with your inner feminine (yin) and masculine (yang) energies. What are they and how can understanding them support you on your journey? What kind of challenges can we face if our feminine and masculine energies are unbalanced? You will learn practices and tools to help you bring your inner man and inner woman into balance.

Module 6 - 2 January

Deep nourishment

The last module will be about finding the nourishment you need to live a life in alignment. How can you fill your own cup on a daily, weekly and monthly basis? We will also have a closing ceremony to celebrate how far you’ve come and to invite the new year with open arms. How will you continue from here on? What do you need to feel supported on you journey ahead?

Can you remember who you were, before the world told you who you should be?

Charles Bukowski

You will walk away with...

Please keep in mind that your results during and after this course are entirely based on your own engagement and your willingness to get to know yourself. The course will provide you with knowledge and tools to help you forward on your path, but it is up to you how you use them and how deep you go. Reserve if possible at least one hour per week for reflections and practices on your own. You’ve got this!

This is your journey, your journey back home to yourself. It is time to remember who you are, for real.

Do you feel a calling towards this course? You are so welcome to join. I'm looking forward to walk with you on your journey.

Your investment is:

When you’ve booked your spot by paying the fee you get a confirmation sent to your email. Closer to the start of the course you get more information. I’m SO much looking forward to do this journey with you!

Do you want to know more about me?

What are your heart's deepest longings?

If you are ready to pause, listen and find out, then this course is for you.

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